The info desk is located in the main lobby of the 1st floor, which also has the cloackroom, vendors, signing table and the LEGO exhibit. You can also access the Lyhty social space from the 1st floor.
The best way to contact the info desk is to visit in person but you can also contact the info staff by phone during the event (not the evening party) from this number: +358 46 8974778
Finncon has a free staffed cloakroom located in the 1st floor of the university Main Building. You can leave any clothes or bags in the cloakroom. We will also reserve some space for luggage storage.
The venue does not have a separate changing room for the attendees. You can change clothes in the toilet facilities in the venue. Please note that using of hairspray or other strong fragrances is forbidden in the toilets and other indoor spaces.
The Juvenes YO Restaurant will be open during the event and have lunch served in addition other café services.
Shopping centre Tullintori is located about 400 metres from the university Main Campus and in addition to a grocery store has multiple restaurants and coffee shops.
Finncon has multiple different programme rooms in use at the university and there are social spaces where you can spend time outside of the programme. The venue maps and more information about all the spaces can be found on the Venue page.
Children’s space
There is no specific children’s space at Finncon. Near the lift, on floor 0, there are two toilets with baby changing facilities. The kitchenette in Lyhty has a microwave oven, which can be used for heating up food even for the smallest attendees of Finncon.
Quiet space
In the Kirjabasaari (book bazaar) space on the 2nd floor, there are sound-proof cubicles for working, which are freely available for anyone requiring some quiet time during the convention.
TUNI GUEST is a free and unencrypted wireless network that allows access for 12 hours at a time by using either phone number or email address to acquire an activation link.
Most vendors will access card payment or Mobilepay but we recommend also having cash at hand. Juvenes YO Restaurant also accept card payment. The nearest ATM’s are located in the neaby Tampere-talo congress centre and Tullintori shopping centre.