Publisher presentations Saturday July 8th
Publishers will be introducing their new releases in quick 15 minute bits in the Book Bazaar found on the 2nd floor. The programme schedule will be the following:
11.30 Hertta-kustannus
11.45 Vaskikirjat
12.00 Nysalor
12.15 Haamu
12.30 Osuuskumma

Kapteeni Kuolio walking tour
Two hour walking tour on the locations of the comic book album Kapteeni Kuolio ja Maailmojen sota Viinikassa. Includes among other things psychogeography and retrofuturistic architechture.
The walk starts on Friday 1 PM from the Tampere University Main Campus.
The exact starting location will be sent to everyone signs up on the walk beforehand. The limit of participants is 20.
Sign-up for this programme item using the form below.
Please note, the walk will be in Finnish only!
Friday evening programme
Friday’s evening programme will be held in Irish Bar O’Connell’s, located in the address Rautatienkatu 24.
Come find out what all the hubbub on Geek Culture Quiz is about by experiencing a quick miniature version of the infamous quiz experience hosted by Mikko.
Nysalor and Osuuskumma publishing are also hosting a book launch party after the quiz. The programme will include short book introductions and freeform interviews with the authors. Books will be sale and authors are available for
signing. Unfortunately, not all the authors will be in attendance.
Tampere is also a well-known hockey city, so of course, Finncon is hosting the traditional Finncon-kampen table hockey tournament. Will you be the next Finncon-kampen champion?
7 PM Geek Culture Quiz: Finncon mini quiz
8.30 PM Nysalor and Osuuskumma book launch party
8.30 PM Finncon-kampen table hockey tournament
The Friday evening programme is free!
Please note O’Connell’s is not accessible as there are stairs into and in the restaurant.

Saturday evening party
Finncon’s traditional evening party will be held on Saturday in Restaurant Telakka, located at the address Tullikamarin aukio 3. The evening party is held in the terrace and the 1st floor. Please note,
there is a private event unrelated to Finncon on the 2nd floor.
The evening party will start at 8 PM and the Masquerade prizes will be given out at 9 PM.
The evening party has an entrance fee of 2 euro. Participants in a costume can enter for free.
Telakka is partially accessible: the terrace and 1st floor are accessibly but the toilet facilities are located on the 2nd floor that can only be reached by stairs as the building has no elevator.