Finncon has a harassment contact person, who can be contacted throughout the weekend by phone: +358 46 897 4776.
Finncon is an event that is open for all, has no age limit, and no entry fee. This means the people attending the convention come vary in ages and come from very different backgrounds. However, all attendees are fans of science fiction, fantasy, or horror, or different medias related to these genres. Everyone has the right to be themselves at the convention and not be bullied or harassed. Please be respectful of other attendees!
Finncon defines harassment as any type of discrimination, mocking, judging other people’s appearance, dress or opinions, invading or other people’s personal space and right not to be touched, and other types of inappropriate behaviour. Everyone can experience harassment, regardless of their gender, age, opinions, appearance or any other factor.
If you face harassment, ask the person to stop. Other people can also step in by asking if everything is alright, if they witness or suspect harassment.
Finncon has a trained harassment contact person, a Listener (a term used by for example Worldcons), on call throughout the whole event. The harassment contact person can be reached by phone. We strongly urge anyone facing or witnessing harassment to report the situation to our harassment contact person or security staff, even if the situation resolves without the convention staff. This is so we can develop Finncons to become even safer spaces for all attendees.
Thank you to Tracon and Ropecon for giving inspiration for this Anti-Harassment Policy.
Principles of Safer Space
These Principles of Safer Space are followed at Finncon.
- Everyone has the right to choose who touches them and how, and how they spend their time with. Respect this right to one’s own physical and mental space. Don’t touch anyone without asking permission first. It is impossible to know other people’s preferences without asking. If needed, voice your opinion and demand space for yourself.
- Don’t mock, sneer, discriminate, embarrass, or slight anyone using words, behaviour or actions. Don’t criticise other people’s appearance. Don’t enforce stereotypes.
- Don’t assume anyone’s gender, nationality, ethnicity, opinions, religion, values, health, or ability.
- Give space. Include everyone in the conversation, and make sure no one is left out. Don’t roll over other people’s opinions with your own. Give others the opportunity to speak. Handle sensitive topics delicately, and honour other people’s privacy.
- Listen and learn. Face new topics, people, and points of view openly and without prejudice. Assume all new situations are a possibility to learn something new and to develop your self.
- Apologise, if you have offended anyone, even if you did not mean to offend. If your actions or words are bothering others, and you are asked to stop whatever you are doing, stop immediately.
Thank you to Suomen YK-liitto for the inspiration for this Principles of Safer Space.